International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences

Conference Archives

The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences 2022

Teather Room Science Learning Center Building, FMIPA UNMUL


Samarinda, ID

October 10, 2022 – October 11, 2022

International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences (ICMSc) is an international conference organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University (UNMUL), Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The theme of the fourth ICMSc in 2022 is “The Roles of Tropical Science in New Capital Nation Planning”
ICMSc facilitates renowned researchers and industries across the globe to share ideas and knowledge, especially in the field of mathematics, statistics, biology, physics, chemistry, geophysics and their applications. All full papers submitted will go through a review and selection process to be published in AIP Publishing. The 4th ICMSc will be a combination of online and limited offline conference implementing the Covid-19 precautions.
Keynote Speaker

Invited Speaker

Guideline for Authors
Please ensure your submission meets the conference's strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers. Downloadable versions of the check list for Full-Text Papers and Abstract Papers.
Abstract Template
Full Paper Template
Conference Schedule *Tentative
Latex Template
Conference Proceedings
All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by competent reviewers and check with Turnitin.
Registration Form
Registration for Non-Presenter Batch I
: Click Here
Registration for Non-Presenter Batch II
: Click Here
Registration for Presenter (New to this Website)
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Registration for Presenter (Already Have an Account in this Website)
: Click Here

The following is a list of participants and titles that have been drawn by the participants themselves and the published LOA is considered invalid.

1.Elisa Nur Yuliantika Ardani : "Optimal Refurbishing Decisions Considering Process Innovation, Different Power Structures, and Constrained Remanufacturable Product Supply"
2.Ade Adam Nisa Sabrina : "Refurbishing Supply Chains with Tax and Tariff Regulations and Constrained Used Product Supply"
3.Afifah Tri Rejeki: "Product Quality and Vertical Competition between Manufacturer and Supplier in a Refurbishing Model"
4.Thabitha Oktavianasta Pakpahan: "A Profit Allocation Strategy of a Refurbishing Model with Fairness Concerns Based on Shapley Value"

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The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences 2021

October 12, 2021 – October 13, 2021

International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences (ICMSc) is an international conference organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University (UNMUL), Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The theme of the third ICMSc in 2021 is “A Brighter Future with Tropical Innovation in the Application of Industry 4.0”. ICMSc facilitates renowned researchers and industries across the globe to share ideas and knowledge especially in the field of mathematics, statistics, biology, physics, chemistry, geophysics and their applications. All full papers submitted will go through a review and selection process to be published in AIP Publishing. The 3rd ICMSc will be a combination of online and limited offline conference implementing the Covid-19 precautions.



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The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science 2018

Hotel Novotel
Jalan Brigjen Ery Suparjan No. 2, Klandasan Ulu, Balikpapan Kota, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan 76112
Balikpapan, ID

October 12, 2018 – October 13, 2018

International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science (ICMSC) is an international conference organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University (UNMUL), Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. ICMSC 2018 facilitate renowned researchers and Industries across the globe to share ideas and knowledge especially in the field of mathematics, science, and computer science. The conference also aims to increase innovation of technology that can be applied in industries; to contribute in formulating a strategy to increase the role of science for the community; and to stimulate collaboration between industries, researchers and government to increase community welfare. All full papers submitted will be a review and selection process to be published in Journal and Proceedings that have been cooperated.

The theme of ICMSC in 2018 is “Tropical research and technology-Leading the way towards the society and environment of the future”.




  • Mathematics and Its Applications
  • Statistic and Its Application
  • Biology and Its Application
  • Chemistry and Its Application
  • Physics and Its Application
  • Computer Science and Its Application



Prof. Dr. Masjaya, M.Si ( Rector Mulawarman University)

Dr. Eng. Idris Mandang, M.Si (Dean of FMIPA Mulawarman University)

Dr. Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Si (Vice Dean of FMIPA Mulawarman University)




Dr. RR Dirgarini Julia Nurlianti S., M.Sc


Co- Chairman

Dr. Noor Hindryawati, M.Si



Wasono, M.Si

Widha Prahastika, S.Si




Dr. Chairul Saleh, M.Si

Dr. Nova Hariani, M.Si



Veliyana Londong Allo, M.Si

Rahmiati Munir, M.Sc

Rita Hairani, M.Sc

Indah Fitri Astuti, S.Kom, M.Cs

Memi Norhayati, M.Si

Firman M. Nur, S.Si

Fajar Hadi Ramadana, A.Md

Adi Irawan, S. Si

Kusnandar, SE, M.Pd, M.Kom

Muhammad  Fakhrurrozi, S.Kom

Rudy Agung Nugroho, M.Si, Ph.D

Brilly Maxel Salindeho, M.Si

Fidia Deny Tisna Amijaya, M.Si



Eko Kusumawati, S.Si, M.P.

Saat Mubarrok, M.Si

Nanang Tri Widodo, M.Si

Gatot Afriyanto, S.Sos

Dr. Yanti Puspita Sari, M.Si

Djihan Ryn Pratiwi, M.Si

Nanda Arista Rizki, M.Si

La Jahaja

Zetsaona Sihotang, S.Si

Vidya Noer Firdausy, S.Kom




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The International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science 2016

Hotel Novotel

October 19, 2017 – October 22, 2017

International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science (ICMSC) is an international conference organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University (UNMUL), Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. ICMSC 2016 facilitate renowned researchers and Industries across the globe to share ideas and knowledge especially in the field of mathematics, science, and computer science. The conference also aims to increase innovation of technology that can be applied in industries; to contribute in formulating a strategy to increase the role of science for the community; and to stimulate collaboration between industries, researchers and government to increase community welfare. All full papers submitted will be a review and selection process to be published in Journal and Proceedings that have been cooperated.

The theme of ICMSC in 2016 is “Sustainability and Eco Green Innovation in Tropical Studies for Global Future”.


Keynote Speaker

Focus and Scope
Mathematics and Its Applications
Biology and Its Application
Chemistry and Its Application
Physics and Its Application
Computer Science and Its Application



Important Date :

Abstract Submission

March 1st – July 25th, 2016

Acceptance of Abstract

July 31st, 2016

Full Paper Submission

August 1st – September 20th, 2016

Early Registration

July 31st – August 30th, 2016

Payment Deadline

September 20th, 2016


October 19th – 25nd, 2016

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.



